On this episode we welcome back friend of the show Gerry Lafemina! We chat about the new album from The Downstrokes, "This Close to Vertigo" and we play two songs off the album. It was awesome to catch up with Gerry, we had a lot of laughs! Come hang out!
Gerry's Links:
Gerry Lafemina Website: https://gerrylafemina.com/
Savage Mountain Punk Arts: http://savagemountainpunkarts.org/
Savage Mountain Punk Fest: https://www.svgmtnpunkfest.com/
The Downstrokes on Bandcamp: https://thedownstrokes1.bandcamp.com/
Show links:
OBH Sports Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourbrainshurtsports/
Our Brains Hurt Website: https://www.ourbrainshurt.com/
Our Brains Hurt on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OurBrainsHurt
OBH Guest Music:
OBH Spotify Playlist
Punk Box Website: https://punkboxrox.com/
Punk Box Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/punkboxrox
Punk Box Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/punkboxrox/
MerchSlut links:
MerchSlut Store: https://merchslut.com/
MerchSlut Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MerchSlut-103064031228978