On this episode of OBH we talk to New York Hardcore legend John Joseph! John talks about his childhood coming up in foster care and the streets of NYC. We discuss the current Covid situation and the one sided narrative derived from silencing people with opposing views. John has a lot to say on this topic and we were excited to give him a platform to talk, especially since many conversations like this are being censored. John also tells an awesome story about touring with Bad Brains and another story about being on tour with Motörhead. Come hang out!
John's Links:
John Joseph Discipline: https://www.johnjosephdiscipline.com/
John Joseph YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGy-7a2mGbzfZYMNjOk-gRQ
John Joseph Merch: https://johnjoseph.merchnow.com/
John on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/johnjosephcromag/
John on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jjcromag
Show links:
Our Brains Hurt Website: https://www.ourbrainshurt.com/
Our Brains Hurt on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OurBrainsHurt
Ron on Twitter @thecaffeinepunk: https://twitter.com/TheCaffeinePunk
Matt on Twitter @MattAlive13: https://twitter.com/MattAlive13
Punk Rock Joe: https://punkrockjoe.com
Punk Box Website: https://punkboxrox.com/
Punk Box Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/punkboxrox
Punk Box Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/punkboxrox/
MerchSlut links:
MerchSlut Store: https://merchslut.com/
MerchSlut Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MerchSlut-103064031228978